I melted the candy melts in my nifty boiler pan that my DH got me for Christmas...for free! He got to choose a gift from his boss out of a catalog for Christmas and he got me this boiler pan because he knew I was wanting something better to use for my chocolate dipping. This is so easy to use! I just add a little but of water in the lip thing, once it starts to boil the chocolate melts! The steam does not get all in my chocolate like it was when I was using a glass bowl on top of one of my other pans.
I melted the chocolate.
I used a fork to dunk the Vanilla wafers into the mint chocolate.Then I set them onto wax paper to cool.
My 6 yo DD dropped all of the wafers into the chocolate.
DD was a great helper!
It made 80 cookies. It probably would have made another 10 cookies but I ran out of cookie sheet space so we just ate the rest of the chocolate and the wafers.
Well, it passed the kid approval! And before I could even get the photos uploaded the kids had ate an ENTIRE TRAY!! They just kept walking by them and grabbing them!!! I had no idea and when I walked passed them for something else I seen the entire tray was gone. Sigh.....
Are they as good as the real thing...close...but they will do if you have a major craving.

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