This is my Bourbon Red Tom! He is absolutely beautiful!
These are my two turkey hens I hatched last summer. I did hatch four but I lost two over the winter. There are pictures of them as babies way back in my blog. The one hen took more after my Bourbon Red and the hen in the front took more after my older hens...the darker colors with red tips.

Here is one of my older hens with one of the younger hens.
I have 5 turkeys all together. My Tom, my two original hens, and two younger hens. I also have 8 chickens and two (useless) ducks out there.
This is why they say farm kids learn I think it is safe to say that I will have fertile eggs when my hens start to lay. LOL!
Oh wow!!! I LOVE your Turkeys! They really aren't something we get over here so i think your pics are amazing!
I hope you guys are well
Cassandra xx
Your turkey's look great! I haven't convinced Matt for a pig, but I think I am going to be ordering some turkeys!
I am interested in some eggs. Just some so we can Incubate. We have one female and wanted to look at getting some more for breading. I do not think ours is a full red though. Thank you.
Melissa, contact me in April, I should be getting eggs then.
awesome i will set a reminder. :o)
Melissa, send me an email!
writter 1 9 6 9 at yahoo dot com (no spaces of course) I have pure Auburn Turkey eggs right now but my Bourbonred/ Narragansett mix are not laying yet.
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