29 January, 2009

I am finally home!

I got home late yesterday evening. The baby was also able to come home. The roads were terrible!! It took my brother 2 and half hours to get me home...normally a 45 minute drive. My brother took me home because he is the only one with 4 wheel drive.
The baby was 4 lb 1.8 pounds when she was born. Her weight went as low as 3 lbs 13 ounces. When we brought her home yesterday she was 3 lbs 14.3 ounces. She is doing fantastic!!! She receiced oxygen for about an hour after she was born. She had an IV for only a day and a half. They put her on a heart monitor just to watch her for a few hours but she passed that with flying colors.
Me: OMG!! A c-section is ROUGH!!!!! I had to have a c-section because after several hours of mag-sulfate, bp meds, and inducing meds my bp did not come down. Its top number was 171/111. I had a pain in the top of my belly right where my diaphragm is that was NOT going away even with pain meds. I was to the point that I could not catch my breath for several hours. The nurse told me on Saturday morning at 9 AM that it was time to consider other options because my bp was not coming down and I was not dialating (only 1 cm after 3 treatments of citatal.) I was in the OR at 10:11 and the baby was born at 10:25!
I later found out all of the pain in my diaphragm was from my liver and kidneys shutting down from the high bp. I was very dizzy all of the rest of Saturday and if I opened my eyes to look at anything I threw up. We were finally able to get my liver and kidney enzymes under control then my platelet count was very low. Each time they drew blood to check that I was just high enough to be able to pass and not get a transfusion. Then my hemoglobin count was down...then they were able to get that under control.
The snow here is crazy!! I think we have over two foot of snow on the ground!
4 yo DD had her birthday on Tuesday so DH, my mom , and MIL brought all the kids and a cake in so we could sing Happy Birthday to DD. She was just tickled to be at the hospital and see the baby.
I feel like I have been hit by a truck...a BIG truck!! I have a TON of pictures to post so hopefully as the day goes on I can get them up.


Stampin Cats said...

It's good to hear from you. I know you'll be busy with the kids and the new baby, but try and pop in. We been thinking of you.

JenMarie said...

Hi Pam! {HUGS} to you girlie, wow!

Stacy Sheldon said...

Congratulations Pam!!

(broadband is down at my house so just now seeing this)

glad to read your at home and you are all doing well!! :)

Cassandra said...

I am so glad your home AND the baby got to come home too, it sounds like you had a rough time but i am glad your slowly feeling a bit better now, ((((())))) ....
Congratulations again! i cant belive she is here..

~*Leona*~ said...

I am happy to hear that you and baby are doing good are are both healthy!! That is great to know!

I am not on bed rest - Wed night I went through 6 hours of Braxton Hicks contractions - they were about 4-6 minutes apart all night - went to the doc and was dialated 1 cm so off the feet I am. I will blog about it later!

You take care of yourself and the little one! She is darling.

StampinBB said...

Congrats Pam. I'm so glad to hear that both you and the new babe are home. Best wishes!