26 September, 2008


We got our broiler chickens put in the freezer on August 10th....and I am finally getting around to posting the pictures. We ended up with 51 chickens to put in the freezers. They were pretty much exactly 8 weeks old....so they grew fast!

It was 6:30 in the morning....my dad came up to haul the chickens for us and of course he had to hit the softest part of the whole yard....at 6:30 in the morning....and got stuck!
DH and the boys trying to push it out. Do you see where the 6 yo is?? In the back of the truck...yeah he is a big help!

Still stuck...

So, they had me go get the van....ummm did someone not tell them that a rear wheel drive van with a light back end on wet grass is worthless???

It is a good thing that I have neighbors that like me!! So, by this time it was getting close to 7 and I went and woke up my neighbor and he was kind enough to bring up his four wheel drive truck and pulled my dad out. We had to do this so early in the morning because they had to be at the butchers at 8 and it is a 45 minuted drive there.

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